For business-to-business and not-for-profit communications, count on Cutlass Communications LLC to make your point with precision, clarity and compelling flair. Specialties include news releases, feature editorials, technical writing for non-technical audiences — and website content that will keep you connected with the dynamic cyber-marketplace.
Daryl English also partners with illustrator Dave McCoy and filmmaker Frank Farrell (Custom Video Productions) — fellow NJ Creatives members — to script and produce complete, one-stop white-board videos. Welcome to Quick-Draw VideoTM illustrated by Dave “Quick-Draw McCoy”TM.
DBA Cutlass Arts, Daryl helps creative artists in many fields translate the vision of their art to the poetry of words. Cutlass Arts understands the dynamics of business, as well as the business of art. We can help you find the right words to reach the right people.
Client: Monarch Communications for Zero International
Project: Case history editorial for industry trade journal
Client: Monarch Communications for Zero International
Project: Product brochure for residential market
Wordsmithing for Artists
Client: Photographer Mike Price
Project: Photographic exhibition theme: The Chesapeake...Living Waters, Still Life